Formation Luxe Paris · The French Hospitality · Talents et Formations

The French Hospitality Group, luxury training in Paris

Excellence is achieved day after day by placing the individual at the heart of every decision.

The French Hospitality Group's ambition is to operate throughout the world and wherever there is an elite clientele. It deploys its extensive savoir-faire to advise airport operators and to recruit and train talent for positions in the luxury concierge and service sector. 

Our expertise: auditing

In order to progress and offer excellence day after day, it is important to constantly reassess oneself. Our company has a unique auditing method that enables it to both assess the quality of service and define the drivers for improvement. The French Hospitality can then propose and implement actions for its own teams or for third-party partners, that will enable them to improve and move ever closer to perfection.

To successfully achieve these missions, the Group relies on its first-hand experience and its in-depth understanding of luxury services for a VIP clientele.


Talent Management, Recruitment & Training

  • Recruitment 

The French Hospitality extends its vision of luxury concierge services to the recruitment of highly qualified personnel. Whatever the position, the company takes extreme care to select individuals with certified skills, who are passionate about the high-end service sector. It supports them in their integration into existing teams, in particular with major airport and travel companies, and develops their skills to go above and beyond, ensuring they receive first-class training to prepare them for their role. Indeed, we offer our staff the high levels of input that we expect them in turn to offer our clients.

  • Training

The French Hospitality shares its business savoir-faire and knowledge of the travel and luxury sectors in its training academy, which is specifically geared towards third-party lounges. As a result, the company has become the industry benchmark in the training of personnel to serve a discerning and high-end clientele with extremely exacting demands. This is a source of great pride for us.

Commitment and programme of excellence to ensure an unparalleled and ever-evolving customer experience.
